For a single threaded scan algorithm, we can do a for loop like this:

out[0] = in[0];
for (int k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
  out[k] = out[k = 1] + in[k];

There are n-1 addition for an array of length n.

This looks very sequential, but there are efficient parallel versions 1.

Naive Parallel Version


This is an inclusive scan. And each thread writes one sum and reads two values.

Work-Efficient Parallel Scan

Work-efficient parallel scan use a balanced binary tree (in concept) to perform scan in two phases

Unlike the naive version, this is an exclusive scan.


Same as parallel reduction

At this stage, imaging array as a tree

  • Array stores only left child
  • right child is the element itself
  • For node at index n
    • Left child index = n / 2 (rounds down)
    • right child index = n


  • “Traverse” back down tree using partial sums to build the scan in place
    • Set root to zero
    • At each pass, a node passes its value to its left child, and sets the right child to the sum of the previous left child’s value and its value



  • Sequential Scan
  • Naive Parallel Scan:
  • Work-Efficient Parallel Scan:
    • Up-Sweep: adds
    • Down-sweep: adds swaps



  1. Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA