See: basic blocks
Here is the pseudocode:
type Block = Vector<Instruction>
def instructions_to_blocks(instructions: Vector<Instruction>) {
var current_block: Block = []
for (instr <- instructions) {
if (instr is label) {
// End the current block
if current_block is not empty {
yield current_block
// Start a new block with this label
current_block = [instr]
} else { // is normal instruction
// Add the instruction to the new block
// If it is a terminator, finish the current block
if (instr is terminator) {
yield current_block
current_block = []
// yield final block
if current_block is not empty {
yield current_block;
Lesley’s remark: I simplified the code a bit with a generator yield
We can also compute a “label to basic block” map structure in this process.