A message from Discord


A lesson I learned when I was an interviewer is that it can be helpful to have different people involved in the interview. When I was working in the video games industry somebody came for an interview and the standard practice was for several of the team leads to be involved at various stages (e.g. the audio lead, build engineering lead, etc.).

One time, 8 of us liked the person and got on well with them - technical skills were fine, interpersonal skills too.

Then the project manager (the only woman) described her experience. He talked over her, told her she was incorrect about processes she had gone through and he hadn’t, he’d found an old (foreign language) blog she’d had from years ago and asked her about it, and so on.

Needless to say, he was not given an offer, but had she not been part of the process, we would have hired him. Of course, you can’t say “please join this interview, we need a woman/person of colour/somebody from a foreign country”, but I think having a diverse group doing the interview can be beneficial.