Regular practice entails mindless repetition, while deliberate practice involves focused, goal-driven performance improvement.

With deliberate practice, we need to be aware about the components of the skill we want to improve. 1 Identifying what constitutes expert-level performance can be challenging and is often overlooked. 2.

Maintaining focus is a significant challenge in deliberate practice, as our brains tend to transform repetitive behaviors into habits. 31

Feedback cycle is important for successful deliberate practice 2. We can receive feedbacks in multiple ways, such as measuring performance or coaching. 3

Furthermore, it’s vital to find the optimal level of difficulty in deliberate practice, where the task is neither too easy nor impossible to complete.


  1. ‘The Ultimate Deliberate Practice Guide How to Be the Best’ note 2

  2. What People Get Wrong About Deliberate Practice 2

  3. ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Deliberate Practice’ note 2