The control flow graph is a directed graph where each vertex is an instruction and each edge indicates a possible flow of control. It has exactly one entry vertex and one exit vertex.
We can combine sequence of instructions without label or jump into basic blocks. We can only jump to top of a basic block and won’t be able to jump until the end of it.
Examples are in Bril
Example 1
@main {
v: int = const 5;
print v;
can be represented as a graph
v: int = const 5;
print v;
Example 2
@main {
v: int = const 4;
jmp .somewhere;
v: int = const 2;
print v;
v: int = const 4;
jmp .somewhere;
print v; <----- v: int = const 2;
Example 3
@main {
v: int = const 4;
b: bool = const false;
br b . there .here;
v: int = const 2;
print v;
v: int = const 4;
b: bool = const false;
br b . there .here; ----o
| |
|false | true
v |
v: int = const 2; |
| |
| |
print v;
Algorithm to Create CFG
Basic idea:
- Form basic blocks from IR
- Associate basic block with labels (if no label, generate one)
- generate CFG from basic blocks