See my 2021 presentation on this topic.
In the Boids algorithm, particles represent birds and fishes move following three principles:
- cohesion - boids move towards the perceived center of mass of neighbors
- separation - boids avoid getting too close to their neighbors
- alignment - boids generally try to move with the same direction and speed as their neighbors
We can use the above rules to update particle velocity and use the Euler’s method to calculate the position change.
Here are the pseudo-code for the updating functions according to the three rules:
Rule 1: Boids Try to Fly towards the Centre of Mass of Neighboring Boids
def cohesion(boid: Boid, boids: Boid):
perceived_center = Point3(0.0)
number_of_neighbors = 0
for b in boids:
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule1_distance:
perceived_center += b.position
perceived_center /= number_of_neighbors
return (perceived_center - boid.position) * rule1_scale
Rule 2: Boids Try to Keep a Small Distance away from other Boids
def separation(boid: Boid, boids: Boid):
c = Vec3(0.0)
for b in boids:
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule2_distance:
c -= (b.position - boid.position)
return c * rule2_scale
Rule 3: Boids Try to Match Velocity with near Boids.
def alignment(boid: Boid, boids: Boid):
perceived_velocity = Vec3(0.0)
number_of_neighbors = 0
for b in boids:
if b != boid and distance(b, boid) < rule3_distance:
perceived_velocity += b.velocity
perceived_velocity /= number_of_neighbors
return perceived_velocity * rule3_scale