Hi there! I’m Lesley Lai, and this is my little corner of the web where I share my notes that I accumulated since 2023, mostly focused on math and programming. I also post a few informal articles sharing my personal opinions here.
Most of the notes and articles here are incomplete and unpolished, reflecting my limited understanding. I also usually don’t proofread them, and if you come across any errors, feel free to leave a comment on that page.
If you are interested in the features and styles of this site, I keep a customization log for this site.
How to Navigate This Site?
I primarily follow a note-taking method inspired by the Zettelkasten system, and as a result the site uses a mostly flat folder structure. To navigate this site, you’ll mainly rely on links and backlinks. However, I do try to incorporate some hierarchy back by using a parent:
property in Obsidian and create map of concepts pages to organize related ideas.
Not sure where to start? Check the note index or my writings.
What You Will Find Here?
- Mathematics: ranging from different branches such as logic, calculus, linear algebra, and probability
- Computing: topic ranging from programming languages like C++ and Rust, and fields such as computer graphics and programming languages
- Notes in various other areas that capture my interest, such as how to learn
- Personal opinions and rants